Thursday, January 8, 2009


Sorry about December - we left on the 17th and all meals to that point had but one theme - quick and easy! I may do a mega cookie post in honor of December - but for now lets get going on January.
All I have right now in my fridge is a 1/2 gallon of milk, a 1/2 gallon of light silk chocolate soy milk, the dregs of some apple sauce in a jar, and teriyaki sauce. We've been home for 36 hours. My kids are getting hungry - time to go shopping, and that means a meal plan.

I still have a few to fill in - I want to look through my vegetarian cookbooks again. Also, Corinne gave me "The Joy of Cooking" for Christmas. Can you believe I didn't have it? I've been wanting it for ages. I'll probably have a flip through that and see what looks good too.

This is pretty much how I do most months. Fill in the regulars, then anything that sounds good - it's very cold & rainy today so lots of soup & stew ... then something new or fun with the remaining days.

** Update - I filled in the remaining days. I'm trying a few new things. Check the list below for the additions. Yummy.

WEEK ONE - (the remainder)
6th - Order Pizza (jet lagged, no food in the house)
7th - Chicken Pot Pies (that I already had in the freezer)
8th - Roasted Chicken. Roast potatoes. Asparagus.
9th - Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese
10th - Baked Mac-n-Cheese for kids (date night)

11th - Roast Turkey. Yams. Edemame. (Pumpkin Pie)
12th - Spaghetti & Salad
13th - Turkey & Barley Soup. Wholewheat rolls.
14th - Broiled Salmon. Wild Rice. Edemame.
15th - Chickpea Curry. Rice. Naan. Cucumber Salad.
16th - Beef & Bok Choy Hot Pot (Birthday Cake.) (bek's birthday dinner)
17th - Topped Baked Potatoes.

18th - Yogurt Parmesan Chicken. Steamed Green Beans. Sunday Corn. (Lime Chiffon Pie)
19th - Eat Out (skiing)
20th - Golden Winter Soup. Wholewheat rolls.
21st - Leek & Gruyere Quiche.
22nd - Chicken Enchilada's. Rice.
23rd - Savory Mushroom Pie.
24th - American Girl Cafe & movie treats (Emily's Birthday Party)

25th - Lamb Stew. Crescent Rolls. (Lemon Meringue Pie.)
26th - Herbed Goat Cheese Ravioli.
27th - Lentil Soup. Wholewheat rolls.
28th - Thai Ginger Salmon. Wild Rice. Edemame.
29th - Chicken Pot Pie.
30th - White chicken chili. Cornbread.

1 comment:

Corinne said...

Hey Tan,

Can you post or email me your recipes for Thai Ginger Salmon and Turkey and Barley soup?