Sunday, September 7, 2008

Emily's School Lunch

I don't really want my kids to buy school lunch. It's really not a good option. In Emily's case, it's really just not an option at all. Although I think she is a very healthy eater, she is also very particular. There's non way the school could cater to her preferences, so I do. She doesn't eat any kind of fruit, which is always such an easy thing to toss into a lunch box. She also doesn't like too much repetition, and I was getting tired of trying to come up with things for her each day. We came up with the perfect solution - a meal plan, just like we use for dinners. She has a rotating weekly schedule. She gets a variety of foods she likes to eat, and I don't have to think about it anymore (other than to make sure we have in the foods she likes - which we almost always do anyway.)

I have this pretty much memorized, but it's also printed out and stuck inside the pantry door as a reminder.

She has to take a snack every day (they eat it in class in the morning.) She also takes 2 SIGG water bottles - one in her lunchbox & one to keep at her desk.

Cream cheese mini bagel
cucumber slices

snack - crackers

Spinach & goat cheese salad
honey whole wheat pretzels

snack - baby carrots

Cheese sandwich (on wholewheat, no condiments) in warm weather
Thermos of soup (& oyster crackers) in cold weather

snack - broccoli (or other raw vegetable) & ranch dressing

Crackers & brie
baby carrots

snack - snow peas (sometimes raw green beans)

Order school lunch

snack - we're going to see if we can get away with a cookie (even though they're technically not allowed.)

1 comment:

Emma said...

What the?! Talk about fancy lunches! M has pretty much the same thing every day and that is they way she likes it - banana sandwich, pear, crackers, apple juice popper, and a caramello koala (sometimes substituted with a nutella, or a cheese stick if we're feeling a little healthier).