I had wanted to do this post for Earth Day - but just didn't get around to it ... so here it is better late than never (which seems to have become my motto in life. Sigh.)
Last year for Earth Day I pledged to myself to use only organic gardening methods - which has worked out quite nicely. I also pledged to slowly switch over to using only eco-friendly products. We're not all the way there (the laundry detergent is going to be my hold-out; I'm way too OCD about laundry.) We are using mostly eco-friendly products now, and after a conversation with Corinne about some I love and some I hate - I thought I'd share my opinions.

I don't really like the Method products. I tried several, they work OK, but not brilliantly, and although they have become much better about listing what's in their products, and are phosphate and paraben free, they cold be better - and I just think all that added color and fragrance isn't really necessary. Why would I want to be adding that to the ocean? So Method is not for me.

I do make an exception for this candle - which I really love & keep in the downstairs bathroom. Soy wax, and in a glass jar - which I figure can be recycled. I actually rarely light it, it's a small room so the fragrance just diffuses out.

I won a Watkins giveaway on Lindsey's blog, and was excited to try their products - this is what I ordered.
So next I tried the Watkins citrus dishwasher detergent. It worked well and has good ingredients, but was actually pretty stinky. It had "earth salts" in it - maybe that's what made it smell. Also, not available at Target, and really I am probably not really going to go to the effort of ordering online - plus the cost of shipping, etc. Not for me.

I really like their rinse aid too.

I do love the Watkins, it works really well, smells GREAT and is available at Target. But it is more expensive, than the Seventh Generation, which is also great (about a dollar more for the 24oz bottle.) So I usually buy some of each.
OK, a few more that I feel strongly about, then I'll stop.
The Watkins Citrus Tub & Tile cleaner. Our main bathroom (and only full bath) is the only room in our house we haven't renovated. We also live in a very humid place, so I'm battling mildew all the time. Plus, six people use it every day - it's going to get dirty, and fast. I had such high hopes for this product. I was disappointed. First up - it doesn't small at all like citrus. It smells like tea tree oil - which is a good natural antibacterial, but is a potent smell. It did clean - but it also took off the caulking around the sides of my tub - so it's not for us (back to the Seventh Generation.)

For areas other than the bathroom, I want a good all purpose cleaner. This one I LOVE.
It smells yummy (I like the lemon,) wipes off easily without leaving any residue and does a good job cleaning. I use it on the glass shelves in my fridge all the time, and many times a day on the counter tops. I haven't tried it on the windows, but do use it on the mirrors and it's great.

I like these too (I ordered the first pack online, but have bought subsequent one's at Target.) I like the lemon, and the green tea one equally. I'm trying to reduce our use of wipes in favor of re-usable cloths, but sometimes you just need a wipe - I know all the mother's out there can instantly think of at last a dozen situations where they would really need one), so I keep a pack of these in the car for emergency "there's no water or cloth around" situations.
OK, so there's my belated Earth Day review.
My pledge for this year? To stop using paper towels. I use a lot of terry cloths for cleaning, and have started to gather a bunch of micro-fiber one's. I have many for glass, stainless steel and dusting - but am still looking for a good multi-use one that comes in a pack of several. It seems they all come in multi-packs with other kinds that I do not want or need....
I've heard the "blue wonder" is great, had anyone tried it?
If you have a favorite micro-fiber cleaning cloth, let me know!

The Watkins Citrus Tub & Tile cleaner. Our main bathroom (and only full bath) is the only room in our house we haven't renovated. We also live in a very humid place, so I'm battling mildew all the time. Plus, six people use it every day - it's going to get dirty, and fast. I had such high hopes for this product. I was disappointed. First up - it doesn't small at all like citrus. It smells like tea tree oil - which is a good natural antibacterial, but is a potent smell. It did clean - but it also took off the caulking around the sides of my tub - so it's not for us (back to the Seventh Generation.)

For areas other than the bathroom, I want a good all purpose cleaner. This one I LOVE.
It smells yummy (I like the lemon,) wipes off easily without leaving any residue and does a good job cleaning. I use it on the glass shelves in my fridge all the time, and many times a day on the counter tops. I haven't tried it on the windows, but do use it on the mirrors and it's great.

I like these too (I ordered the first pack online, but have bought subsequent one's at Target.) I like the lemon, and the green tea one equally. I'm trying to reduce our use of wipes in favor of re-usable cloths, but sometimes you just need a wipe - I know all the mother's out there can instantly think of at last a dozen situations where they would really need one), so I keep a pack of these in the car for emergency "there's no water or cloth around" situations.

My pledge for this year? To stop using paper towels. I use a lot of terry cloths for cleaning, and have started to gather a bunch of micro-fiber one's. I have many for glass, stainless steel and dusting - but am still looking for a good multi-use one that comes in a pack of several. It seems they all come in multi-packs with other kinds that I do not want or need....
I've heard the "blue wonder" is great, had anyone tried it?
If you have a favorite micro-fiber cleaning cloth, let me know!
I loved reading this, Tania! It's nice to have your seasoned perspective on all of these products. (Especially the Watkins stuff.)
I wonder if that Watkins tub and tile is the thing that took off our caulking. (I can't be sure, but very interesting.) I actually have been buying the natural one from Clorox--no bleach in it! It got one of the highest ratings from Consumer Reports and it's not so expensive.
I have you to thank for introducing me to Seventh Generation dish soap. I bought two bottles when they were on sale at Target and the smell...it's so wonderful.
Oh, I wish they had this many options in Australia. I did recently hear that oil of cloves mixed with water will naturally kill mildew in caulking & grout. I haven't tried it yet, I've never even heard of oil of cloves, but will have to try to find it.
I used to buy oil of cloves at the health food store - it is a numbing agent. I've always used it to rub on my babies gums when they were teething (and it makes their breath smell sweet.)
I'll have to see if I still have any lying around and try it on the bathroom!
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